Put Some Juice in Your Love Affair

Okay, you might have thought that this article was about something else.  But it is important nevertheless.  It's about the love affair between the owner and the Prevost coach.
Every three months it's time to yank out your shore plug.  Most of ours get a little corroded and dirty.  That means we aren't getting good, direct contact between the 50 amp receptacle and the shoreline.
Take a look at the big prongs on your plug and sand them lightly until they are bright and shiny.  You can't do much with the terminals in the box without being an electrician, so don't even think about it unless you know what you are doing.

click on image to magnify


While you are at it, pull down the yellow sleeve on the bus side of the cord.  You may be surprised to see that due to twisting and turning, heat and cold, that the strand wires into the bus end of the shoreline are mangled or not making good contact.
Cut off the ends of the 4 leads after disconnecting from the plug assembly and they should look like these in the picture.  Note that the plug itself is color coded.  Match the colors and reassemble.
Now you have the full 'juice' you are entitled to receive in your coach.  Easy job, quick, almost anyone can do it and you are now once again a happy camper.

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